Will you afford to retire? | The Real Return of Long-term and Pension Savings | 2023 Edition – Executive Summary

For long‐term and pension savers, the year 2022 was undoubtedly a calamitous one. Poor capital market performance and sky‐rocketing inflation across all European Union (EU) Member States resulted in disastrous ...
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2022’s Annus Horribilis and 23-Year Performance Crisis Leave EU Citizens Struggling for Retirement Income

BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, has released its Pensions Report 2023, uncovering the dire challenges confronting long-term and pension savers across 17 EU Member ...
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/ Press Releases

BETTER FINANCE Unveils Key Insights on EU Transition Investing

BETTER FINANCE, a leading advocate for investor rights and financial transparency, has released a position paper on transition investing, emphasizing its importance in achieving climate neutrality in the EU. The ...
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/ Press Releases

Transition investing: key challenges and opportunities

Transition investing refers to capital needed to improve economic activities, that are not environmentally friendly at present. Such capital supports the development of innovation and infrastructure, enabling current activities to ...
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Joint Letter: Call for an ambitious EU ESG ratings Regulation

BETTER FINANCE, alongside other NGOs, urges members of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee to ensure that the new ESG Regulation improves the reliability, comparability and transparency of ESG Ratings ...
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/ Public Letters

BETTER FINANCE feedback on the Open Finance Framework

BETTER FINANCE provided an initial feedback to the EC’s plans to create a system for accessing financial data (FIDA) to boost digital financial services by promoting competition. We suggest carefully ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the EIOPA consultation on Open Insurance

BETTER FINANCE strongly supports the intention to provide consumers with a clear and comprehensive view of their insurance policies, simplifying understanding and enabling easy product comparisons. BETTER FINANCE, however, has ...
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/ Consultations

Joint Letter: Don’t let conflicts of interest sink the Retail Investment Strategy

On 19 October 2023, BETTER FINANCE together with BEUC, Finance Watch and WWF, published a public letter addressed to Ms. Yon-Courtin and to the European Parliament's shadow rapporteurs, expressing disappointment ...
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/ Public Letters

BETTER FINANCE position on the Retail Investment Strategy

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the proposal for the Retail Investment Strategy (RIS) put forward by the European Commission (EC) on 24 May 2023. We fully share the goals that the EC ...
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BETTER FINANCE Urges a Genuine Reform of the Dysfunctional European Retail Investment Market in Support of EC’s Strategy

BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, has published a position paper on the European Commission's Retail Investment Strategy (RIS) proposals. The organisation fully supports the ...
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/ Press Releases