Background: “EU Pensions seem doomed with ‘Financial Repression’ as the only game in town”

Eurozone inflation mushroomed from 3.4% to 10% in one year, further deepening Europe’s cost-of-living crisis, yet the best the European Central Bank (ECB) could muster is a late and timid ...
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BETTER FINANCE Pensions Report 2022: It will get much worse for EU Savers before it even has a chance to get better

For 10 years now BETTER FINANCE points to the often-poor real net returns of long-term and pension savings (see the 2022 Edition of the Real Return) across a large number ...
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The Real Return Long-Term Pension Savings Report | 2022 Edition

BETTER FINANCE published the 10th edition of its “Real Return of Long-Term and Pension Savings report | 2022 Edition”. Download the report in English for free here (or see below) ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the EFRAG Consultation on Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards

BETTER FINANCE notes that the gap between users’ information needs and the sustainability information reported by undertakings is growing. Academic research demonstrates however that companies are reporting more often on ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the ISSB Consultation on General Requirements for Disclosure and Climate-related Disclosure

Individual, non-professional (“retail”) investors are significantly interested in sustainable investments and by extension rely not only on more data on climate or sustainability-related risks and opportunities, but also on more ...
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BETTER FINANCE’s answer to the European Commission (EC) consultation on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings and sustainability factors

BETTER FINANCE’s answer to the European Commission (EC) consultation on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings and sustainability factors in credit ratings aims to inform on concerns about the functioning ...
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Robo-advice: Automated? Yes. Intelligent? Not so much.

Extreme divergences between platforms and investor profiles in terms of asset allocation and expected returns reveal significant deficiencies in the suitability of the algorithms’ investment recommendations. From virtual meetings and ...
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Are Robo-advisors sufficiently intelligent to provide suitable advice to individual investors?

BETTER FINANCE continued its research series into Robo advice with this sixth annual edition, mapping start-up platforms that provide Robo-advisory and investing services, and analysing their user-friendliness, transparency, costs, portfolio ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the call for feedback to the Platform on Sustainable Finance’s draft report on social taxonomy

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the horizontal and vertical dimensions represented in the objectives of the taxonomy. Furthermore, we would like to suggest expanding the horizontal dimension based on the promotion of ...
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/ Consultations, Sustainabe Finance