DW - Aging Europe: Rising costs threaten EU pensions

DW – Aging Europe: Rising costs threaten EU pensions

DW recently published an article titled "Aging Europe: Rising costs threaten EU pensions," in which they discuss in-depth the challenges ...
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/ Press Coverage

FT: Time to destigmatise khaki finance

| Original article from the FT, by Huw van Steenis, co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s finance council. | The ...
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Survey: Shareholders’ experience of voting at AGMs across the EU (Shareholders’ Meetings)

[Archived: The Survey is now Closed] It's all about retail shareholder democracy in Europe! Did you try ...
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Financial Times: Digital platforms fuel European ETF growth spurt

For years, European investors have paid higher fees and have found it more difficult to access low-cost, passively managed products ...
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/ Press Coverage

F2iC Press Release | If the shareholder is truly the owner of the company, then his vote should be binding.

On 14 April F2iC - one of BETTER FINANCE's French member organisations - issued a press release arguing that the ...
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VZMD Rejects Continued and Damaging Regulatory Pressures on its Association and ‘Share SUPPORT’ programme

This new statement follows on an earlier case where VZMD, the Pan-Slovenian Shareholders Association, opposed pressure on its 'Share SUPPORT' ...
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ESMA study confirms that actively managed funds underperform benchmarks, also in times of market stress

As stated by ESMA “the COVID-19 crisis offers the opportunity to test the hypothesis [often claimed by the industry] that ...
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Podcast: Are consumers being mis-sold investment funds?

BETTER FINANCE's Managing Director, Guillaume Prache, participated to the last episode (Are consumers being mis-sold investment funds?) of the podcast Fair ...
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/ Press Coverage

Retail Investor Strategy: some inconvenient truths on biased advice

The European Union has two initiatives whose main objectives are to "ensure bias-free advice": the "Capital Markets Union" Action Plan and the EU Strategy for ...
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/ Press Coverage

How is technology changing financial institutions?

Covid-19 has accelerated the adoption of digital transformation due to the need to conduct more business remotely through digital channels ...
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/ Press Coverage