Date: 26th April 2024

Invest for Better Climate is an educational and advocacy campaign, aimed at giving individual retail investors a better understanding of the impact on climate they have through their investments. It spans over 5 virtual sessions, encompassing introduction to investing, climate lens investing, financial and non-financial risks and greenwashing. With consolidated and translated materials, worksheets and 90 minutes long training sessions (circles) - facilitated by circle leads - the initiative collects feedback via surveys.

When asked about the most important learning objective from the course, 40% indicated learning about how to grow their money in a way that benefits the environment, followed by 33% who wanted to grow their capital and fight climate change more specifically. The remainder, expressed interest in a combination of those factors (13%), using money for a positive impact on environment with or without growth of capital (13%) and 1% listed other reasons.

Read the full position paper: