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Retirement Week 2024 | Future-Proofing Pensions: Creating Sustainable and Adequate Private Retirement Systems in Europe

November 25 - November 29


future proofing pensions - european retirement week 2024


European Retirement Week, taking place annually in the last week of November, provides a platform for a wide range of stakeholders to debate the future of pensions in Europe and raise citizens’ awareness of the need to save for retirement and achieve pension adequacy.

This year, the European Retirement Week will be held from 25-29 November 2024. As part of the week’s activities, on 28 November BETTER FINANCE will host an insightful and forward-thinking conference titled “Future-Proofing Pensions: Creating Sustainable and Adequate Private Retirement Systems in Europe.”

This event will bring together leading experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss the future of private retirement systems in Europe, with a focus on sustainability and adequacy.

For further information, refer to the programme below.


Date | 28 November 2024  | Venue | TBD  

08:30 | Registration and Coffee

09:00 | Welcome Speech

Aleksandra Mączyńska, Managing Director, BETTER FINANCE

09:10 | Keynote Address


09:30 | Keynote Speech


09:50 | Panel 1: Golden Years on a Green Planet: Maximising Financial and Environmental Returns Through Pension Investments  

Introduction | Fausto Parente, Executive Director of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

Moderator | Josina Kamerling, Head of Regulatory Outreach EMEA, CFA Institute


Tilman Lueder, Head of Insurance & Pensions Unit, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services & CMU, European Commission (TBC)
Alwin Oerlemans, Head of Product Management, APG Asset Management (TBC)
Fausto Parente, Executive Director of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Ján Šebo, Senior Researcher, Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics, Chief Research Officer, Orange Envelope, and Economist, Government of the Slovak Republic
Lucia Silva, Group Chief Sustainability Officer, Generali (TBC)
Katarina Thorslund, Deputy CEO, Head of Customer Relations, Alecta (TBC)

  1. Dynamic asset allocation and life cycle: What obstacles to investing more pension savings into equity?   
  2. Sustainability risk in pension investment: Climate-related financial risks and pension investments; How can saving for my pension impact climate change?
  3. Can pan-EUropean pensions plans challenge the high cost-low performance status quo of European markets?

  • 11:00 | Keynote Speech


11:20 | Coffee Break

11:40 | Presentation: Will you afford to retire? | The Real Return of Long-term and Pension Savings | 2024 Edition  

12:00 | Panel 2: We All Want to Retire (Someday): Can Private Plans Secure Adequate Pensions for Everyone?  

Introduction | Stefano Scarpetta, Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD (TBC)
Moderator | Sébastien Commain, Policy and Research Officer, BETTER FINANCE


Alexander Bogensperger, Head of Group Regulatory Affairs, Allianz (TBC)
Katarina Ivanković Knežević, Director, Social Rights and Inclusion, DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission (TBC)
Gertrude Pils, Vice-Chair, PEKABE
Rick Redding, CFA, CEO, Index Industry Association (TBC)
Stefano Scarpetta, Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD (TBC)

Gender gap:   

  1. How can we avoid earnings-based pension systems to reproduce and worsen in retirement the gender gap in labour income?   
  2. What compensation can be offered to carers for the loss of pension rights resulting from care-related leave?  

Financial inclusion:   

  1. How can we increase the coverage of occupational pensions in an uberized world?   
  2. How to save for you pension when you live on minimum salary?

13:10 | Closing Speech

Aleksandra Mączyńska, Managing Director, BETTER FINANCE

13:15 | Networking Lunch

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