BETTER FINANCE answer to SRD Follow-up consultation (CSES/European Commission)

BETTER FINANCE continues to provide input to shareholders' rights consultations. We had previously highlighted the need for enforcing shareholders' rights, intermediary's chain transparency,  streamlining of engagement process (such as voting ...
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BETTER FINANCE answer to ESMA Consultation Paper on the draft guidelines on reverse solicitation under the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA)

BETTER FINANCE supports ESMA’s broad approach to guiding prudential regulation concerning the solicitation of EU clients by third-country firms, which is essential to protect European consumers from non-MICA compliant entities ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE’s response to EIOPA’s consultation on Methodology on Value for Money benchmarks

BETTER FINANCE welcomes and supports EIOPA’s ongoing work on a supervisory toolkit to assess the value for money offered by unit linked and hybrid insurance products. Since its creation, BETTER ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE answer to ESMA Discussion Paper on MiFID II investor protection topics linked to digitalisation

The document serves as BETTER FINANCE response to selected questions of ESMA's discussion paper on the implications of digitalisation for investor protection under MiFID II. The document “Discussion Paper on ...
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/ Consultations

Targeted consultation on the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR)

The Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) started applying in March 2021 and requires financial market participants and financial advisers to disclose at entity and product levels how they integrate sustainability ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE answer to SRDs’ Targeted Consultation – Shareholder Rights Directives (European Commission/CSES)

BETTER FINANCE's full Response to the Targeted Consultation on SRDs - Shareholder Rights Directives (SRD1 and SRD2) for the European Commission by the CSES — [15 December 2023]. BETTER FINANCE ...
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BETTER FINANCE feedback on the Open Finance Framework

BETTER FINANCE provided an initial feedback to the EC’s plans to create a system for accessing financial data (FIDA) to boost digital financial services by promoting competition. We suggest carefully ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the EIOPA consultation on Open Insurance

BETTER FINANCE strongly supports the intention to provide consumers with a clear and comprehensive view of their insurance policies, simplifying understanding and enabling easy product comparisons. BETTER FINANCE, however, has ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE Feedback to the European Commission’s Withholding taxes – FASTER Proposal

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the European Commission’s WHT FASTER Proposal that has the potential to bring procedural progress in addressing longstanding obstacles to tax recovery for investors dealing with their cross-border ...
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Response to ESMA’s call for evidence on the integration of sustainability preferences in the suitability assessment and product governance arrangements

Retail investors are increasingly concerned about the impact of their investment decisions on society and the environment. In recent years, European Union (EU) institutions have amended the legislation regarding the ...
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/ Consultations