BETTER FINANCE Feedback to the European Commission’s Withholding taxes – FASTER Proposal

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the European Commission’s WHT FASTER Proposal that has the potential to bring procedural progress in addressing longstanding obstacles to tax recovery for investors dealing with their cross-border ...
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Response to ESMA’s call for evidence on the integration of sustainability preferences in the suitability assessment and product governance arrangements

Retail investors are increasingly concerned about the impact of their investment decisions on society and the environment. In recent years, European Union (EU) institutions have amended the legislation regarding the ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE response to the IOSCO Crypto-Assets Consultation

The exposure of retail investors to crypto-assets has increased globally, leading to greater retail investor losses due to financial crime, fraud, money laundering, and under-regulated activities in the crypto-asset market ...
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/ Consultations, FinTech

BETTER FINANCE Response to the Joint ESAs Consultation on the review of SFDR Delegated Regulation

BETTER FINANCE supports the newly suggested mandatory social indicators under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which aim to measure principal adverse impacts (PAI). It is crucial for these indicators ...
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BETTER FINANCE Response to the joint ESAs survey on Innovations

Through their joint pilot survey, the European Banking Authority (EBA), European Securities and Markets Authority and European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (the ESAs) aimed to assess and monitor market ...
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/ Consultations, FinTech

BETTER FINANCE response to European Commission consultation on the EU climate target for 2040

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the European Commission’s initiative to set clear policy measures regarding climate targets beyond 2030, which ultimately can support the objective of 2050 climate neutrality goal and its ...
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BETTER FINANCE feedback to the draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) Delegated Act

BETTER FINANCE, as an independent financial expertise center serving European financial services users, represents millions of individual investors in Europe who stand to benefit from the draft non-financial reporting Standards ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE response to EIOPA consultation on technical advice on IORP II review

EIOPA consulted on the review of IORP II Directive, which governs occupational pension schemes in the EU. BETTER FINANCE's response to the consultation focuses on protecting the interests of pension ...
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BETTER FINANCE feedback to the European Commission on the EU Taxonomy Delegated Acts

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the amendments to the Taxonomy Disclosures Delegated Act (Art 8) in providing consistent methodologies and economic performance indicators that ensure financial and non-financial undertakings disclose the relevant ...
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BETTER FINANCE Answer to the EC open feedback on the review of the Listing Act

BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission's request for feedback on the review of the Listing Act - making public capital markets more attractive for EU companies and facilitating access ...
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