BETTER FINANCE response to ESMA Call for Evidence on implementation of the Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II)

BETTER FINANCE answer ESMA Call for Evidence with regards information from market participants and map the state of play with regards to the implementation of the SRD2/SRD II provisions on ...
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BETTER FINANCE’s answers to DG FISMA’s Discussion Note on Value for Money

Would you agree with the assessment that certain products that are offered to consumers do not offer Value for Money? If yes: a) how significant a problem would you consider this ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to EIOPA Public consultation on supervisory statement on differential pricing mechanisms in non-life insurances

Explanations A differential pricing mechanism in insurance contracts describes a practice by which an insurance company adapts the cost or price of the product/service on considerations other than the expected ...
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/ Consultations, Other

BETTER FINANCE response to the survey for the CEPS Study for the review of the Audit Directive and Regulation

CEPS together with Milieu and Europe Economics have been commissioned by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union) to conduct a study on the ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the EFRAG Consultation on Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards

BETTER FINANCE notes that the gap between users’ information needs and the sustainability information reported by undertakings is growing. Academic research demonstrates however that companies are reporting more often on ...
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BETTER FINANCE answer to consultation on the review of the revised payment services Directive (PSD2) and on open finance

BETTER FINANCE answer to the European Commission's consultation to gather evidence for the PSD2 review and to inform its work on open finance. In the light of this informative consultation ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE response to the ISSB Consultation on General Requirements for Disclosure and Climate-related Disclosure

Individual, non-professional (“retail”) investors are significantly interested in sustainable investments and by extension rely not only on more data on climate or sustainability-related risks and opportunities, but also on more ...
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BETTER FINANCE answer to European Commission Consultation on resolving consumer disputes out-of-court

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What is Alternative/Online Dispute Resolution (ADR/ODR)? Non-judicial procedures through which consumers (for our constituency, “retail” financial services users) can solve disputes with professionals and obtain redress for their ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the EU Commission Consultation on the New EU System for the avoidance of double taxation in the field of withholding taxes

Individual, non-professional (“retail”) investors are significantly demotivated or hampered from investing cross-border within the EU due to:
  • The widespread de facto double taxation of investment income within the “Single ...
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