BETTER FINANCE’s answer to the European Commission (EC) consultation on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings and sustainability factors

BETTER FINANCE’s answer to the European Commission (EC) consultation on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings and sustainability factors in credit ratings aims to inform on concerns about the functioning ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission consultation call for Evidence for an Evaluation and Impact Assessment Run in Parallel

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the European Commission’s call for evidence on retail investor protection but questions the efficiency of the exercise as it seems to duplicate efforts and it is not ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE response to the Consultation Paper Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability requirements

ESMA Consultation Paper Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability requirements.
  1. BETTER FINANCE highlights that the new concepts introduced by the recent regulatory amendments may be difficult ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission Consultation on the review of suitability and appropriateness assessments

The European Commission proposes to replace the current suitability-appropriateness duality in the MiFID II and insurance distribution Directives, with a new, unique, and standardised suitability regime for all categories of ...
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BETTER FINANCE answer to EIOPA Consultation Paper regarding draft Advice on certain aspects relating to retail investor

INTRODUCTORY EXPLANATIONS (for non-professional readers) European Union (EU) authorities aim to improve the conditions of saving and investing in capital markets for EU households through several regulatory and supervisory actions ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission consultation on the Listing Act

Unfortunately, EU action through the listing act aimed at incentivising businesses and companies to go public and for individual, non-professional investors to invest in these companies, did not achieve its ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the EC Public consultation on strengthening the quality of corporate reporting and its enforcement

BETTER FINANCE and its member organisations representing individual, minority shareholders see the framework for sound functioning and trustworthy listed issuers as comprising three key dimensions: first, sustainable corporate governance (corporate ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to ESMA’s Call for Evidence on Retail Investor Protection Topics

BETTER FINANCE welcomes this call for evidence from ESMA on retail investor protection topics but regrets that it is confined to securities markets (MiFID II) topics only as these financial ...
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BETTER FINANCE’s response to the ESA’s Call for Evidence on the PRIIPs Regulation

The EU offers pre-contractual information to non-professional investors before purchasing its investment products. Since 2018, the same Key Information Document (KID) has been used for these Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Products (PRIIPs). The European Commission asked ...
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/ Consultations

BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission Consultation on Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services

In the 2017 EC Consumer Finance Action Plan, the Commission undertook to monitor the distance selling market of retail financial services in order to identify the potential consumer risks and ...
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