Retail Investing Surge Cushions Economic Downturn and Calls for Adequate Reforms

Over the last two years, health-related restrictions and economic shutdowns had unforeseen effects on European capital markets. An increase in disposable income available for EU households to invest, and at ...
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Recent “Unofficial” Reports Paid for by Investment Industry Players Push Misleading Findings and Conclusions in Defence of Kickbacks

BETTER FINANCE finds that commission-based distribution models (kickbacks) cost individual investors up to 15% of their investments in sales commissions and generate conflicts of interest which severely hurt their performance. ...
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BETTER FINANCE screened available evidence (literature, surveys, experiments, and statistical data) comparing the impact of allowing the receipt of “inducements” by distributors or brokers of “retail” investment services and products, ...
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Robo-advice: Automated? Yes. Intelligent? Not so much.

Extreme divergences between platforms and investor profiles in terms of asset allocation and expected returns reveal significant deficiencies in the suitability of the algorithms’ investment recommendations. From virtual meetings and ...
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Are Robo-advisors sufficiently intelligent to provide suitable advice to individual investors?

BETTER FINANCE continued its research series into Robo advice with this sixth annual edition, mapping start-up platforms that provide Robo-advisory and investing services, and analysing their user-friendliness, transparency, costs, portfolio ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission Consultation on Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services

In the 2017 EC Consumer Finance Action Plan, the Commission undertook to monitor the distance selling market of retail financial services in order to identify the potential consumer risks and ...
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BETTER FINANCE’s feedback to the EU Commission proposal on a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence

The European Commission has proposed a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence act) and amending certain union legislative acts. The purpose of this regulation is to ...
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/ Consultations, FinTech

BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the EU Strategy for Retail Investors

BETTER FINANCE welcomes this consultation from the EC on a much-awaited and needed strategy for retail investors, and fully supports its clearly stated objectives, as defined in the EC CMU ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the EU Strategy for Retail Investors – Annex 1

In our view, the Strategy for Retail Investors (the topic of this consultation) and the Capital Markets Union project are strongly interlinked as both share the aim to promote more ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the EU Strategy for Retail Investors – Annex 2

Annex 2: Individual investor behaviour during the COVID-19 crisis in selected jurisdictions In the first edition of the half-annual report on Trends, Risks, and Vulnerabilities (no. 1, 2021) on EU ...
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