ESMA Report Confirms BETTER FINANCE Findings of Investor Detriment through “Fixed Fee Splits” in Securities Lending

A report published on Tuesday 31 May 2022 by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), confirms BETTER FINANCE’s findings that fund managers often don’t seem to act in the ...
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Securities Lending: Income Attribution & Conflicts of Interests in EU Retail Investment Funds

In 2021, the total income generated by securities lending operations globally stood at €7.8 billion, up by 21% compared to 2020. The majority of operations and lenders are outside the ...
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The New Investing Environment for Retail Investors | Expectations and Challenges Ahead

BETTER FINANCE published a report in support of its response to the EC Consultation on the EU Strategy for Retail Investors, illustrating the current state of affairs, detailing how to ...
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Retail Investing Surge Cushions Economic Downturn and Calls for Adequate Reforms

Over the last two years, health-related restrictions and economic shutdowns had unforeseen effects on European capital markets. An increase in disposable income available for EU households to invest, and at ...
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Last chance for Member States to support EU citizens as investors and finally ban Payment for Order Flow (PFOF)

Member States have until 31 May to actively support transparent, efficient, and accessible equity markets for retail investors and submit their written comments to the French Presidency working on the ...
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Transparency and Best Execution for Retail Traders and Investors

Retail trading must be simple, transparent, cost-efficient, and done in the best possible conditions for individual, non-professional (“retail”) investors. To achieve this, BETTER FINANCE puts forward a series of recommendations ...
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Leveling the SPACs Playing Field: Investors Call for More Transparency and Better Investor Protection

Although SPACs - Special Purpose Acquisition Companies - have existed for quite some time, their sudden popularity over the last few years has drawn the attention of investors and regulators ...
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Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs): Impacts on Transparency, Information Disclosure, Investor Protection and Supervision

The objective of this project is to understand the perceived experience of market participants with special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), including investment professionals as well as the recipients of financial ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the European Commission consultation on the Listing Act

Unfortunately, EU action through the listing act aimed at incentivising businesses and companies to go public and for individual, non-professional investors to invest in these companies, did not achieve its ...
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Barriers to Shareholder Engagement 2.0 | SRD II Implementation Study (2021)

— An updated version of this study (AGM Season 2022) can be found here The general meeting is the cornerstone of shareholder democracy. It is not only where voting ...
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