The Banking Union initiative has reduced the number and magnitude of bank failures and the recourse to taxpayers’ money. However, up to now, it has been focused on prudential objectives, not on citizens as banking users’ protection. This has too often generated significant detriment to consumers of banking services.

BETTER FINANCE has long advocated for an EU-wide collective redress mechanism for all financial services users, including small and individual shareholders or employee shareholders, and provided support to consumer organisations in collective redress schemes in the field of financial services (such as Fortis, Volkswagen AG). BETTER FINANCE welcomes the European Commission’s (EC) proposal for a

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the report from ESMA on the cost and performance of retail financial investment products in the EU that provides an initial mapping of the current state of the market concerning UCITS, AIFs and structured retail products (SRPs). This annual statistical report complements the other valuable research releases by ESMA – i.e. the

BETTER FINANCE commented on the current legislative framework on public reporting of companies. As a representative of individual investors and financial services users in Europe, BETTER FINANCE focused its feedback on the financial reporting framework for listed companies and for banks and insurance companies.

BETTER FINANCE commented on the current legislative framework on public reporting of companies. As a representative of individual investors and financial services users in Europe, BETTER FINANCE focused its feedback on the financial reporting framework for listed companies and for banks and insurance companies.

Back in November 2017, BETTER FINANCE formed an Alliance together with the other major EU public interest organisations working on financial services to voice their disappointment with the European Commission’s proposal for the review of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), and make proposals to remedy the situation.

BETTER FINANCE welcomes the proposed amendments from the EP rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs as a step in the right direction towards a simple and safe PEPP that could regain the trust of EU citizens. Several key amendment proposals by BETTER FINANCE have been taken on board by the EP rapporteurs and shadows for the Committee

BETTER FINANCE welcomes this opportunity to comment on the EC proposal for a Regulation on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment funds. As the representative of individual investors, BETTER FINANCE is pleased to see that the Commission stresses the obligation to provide for fair, clear and not misleading information in marketing materials for UCITS.

BETTER FINANCE welcomes this opportunity to comment on the Commission’s proposal amending the AIFM and UCITS directives with regard to cross-border distribution of investment funds.

BETTER FINANCE already raised the issue that only a limited number of larger SMEs are likely to benefit from a Capital Markets Union. As such, introducing an EU framework enabling crowdfunding platforms to provide their services across the Internal Market should be beneficial for both investors and SMEs. However, BETTER FINANCE remains skeptical regarding the