Our organization fully defends that this draft Delegated Act would be the cornerstone to establish the main obligations for insurance manufacturers and insurance distributors regarding the product approval process, the target markets, the product testing, the monitoring and review, and the information obligations between manufacturers and distributors. These innovations are fundamental to ensure improvements in
ANNEX 1B BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of
ANNEX 1A BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of
ANNEX 1D BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of
BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. ESMA would not disclose the names of the funds it identified as “potential equity closet indexing
Annex 1C BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of
The Managing Director of BETTER FINANCE presented the case of the bail-in of the six top Slovenian banks to the Banking Stakeholder Group of the European Banking Authority (EBA) at a meeting in London on 8 December 2016. The actual implementation of bail-in rules in the case of the Slovenian banks is hitting non-insider retail
60 years of European Common market, two green papers, but very little progress: we believe that this is another opportunity to finally bring about a common European market for retail financial services. We dearly hope it does not fail like all previous attempts over the last 60 years or so.
BETTER FINANCE – the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users – took a closer look at a sample of new Robot Advice providers, both in the US and in selected EU countries (Belgium, France, Germany, UK). The research concentrated on the products on offer as well as prices.
BETTER FINANCE submitted comments on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories to EIOPA.