Following its hearing on MiFID II and MiFIR on February 19, ESMA invited interested parties to reply to its consultation. BETTER FINANCE welcomes the opportunity to share its views and publishes today its reply.

BETTER FINANCE published its comments on the new Directive on Administrative Cooperation (DAC2) and the concerns DAC2 raises regarding errors of appreciation possibly being made by financial institutions and the issues for EU investors behind the recently adopted new DAC2.

BETTER FINANCE published it comments to the Discussion Paper on KIDs for PRIIPs of the Joint Committee of the ESAs. Read our concerns here.

BETTER FINANCE published its position on the review of the Shareholders Rights Directive.

In order to shore up the real economy, protect savers and investors, concentrate on long term investment for job creation and better protect European citizens, BETTER FINANCE wrote the BETTER FINANCE Manifesto, outlining necessary changes to benefit the real economy. It was presented at the BETTER FINANCE Conference at the European Parliament.

In order to present a united front on behalf of the hundreds of millions of European consumers and individual investors and draw attention to the serious threats KID Regulation faces from within the European Parliament itself, EuroFinUse joined forces with Finance Watch and BEUC (the European Consumer Organisation). To this end a letter was sent

EuroFinUse has provided Mr Philippe Maystadt with the views of retail investors on accounting standards, the principles they should contain and the need to count with international account standards that protect the interests of investors.

EuroFinUse welcomes the workshop organized by the European Commission on this very important emerging trend in financial services. EuroFinUse also thanks the Commission to invite a retail user representative to the speakers table. Financial services users, savers and retail investors are not opposed to innovation, particularly with regard to the emergence of Crowdfunding, which could

Six years after MiFID Directive fragmented the European equity markets, private investors still cannot get consolidated pre- and post-trade data. EuroFinUse is very concerned that the EU has and is still losing a lot of time and has not properly evaluated the economic cost of market fragmentation.