BETTER FINANCE agrees that in order to avoid legal uncertainty and the multiplication of legal requirements for crowdfunding platforms, MiFID II should not apply to crowdfunding providers who have been authorized as crowdfunding providers under the ECSP.

Guillaume Prache, Managing director of BETTER FINANCE, was asked by EIOPA to contribute to the discussion on the request for the European Supervisory Authorities to report on the cost and past performance of the main categories of retail investment, insurance and pension products. He was the rapporteur of the recently adopted OPSG (EIOPA Occupational Pensions

In order to effectively contribute to the strengthening of the Capital Markets Union, BETTER FINANCE believes that sustainable investment products require binding standards ensuring the trust of EU citizens in sustainable retail investment products and positive returns.

The European Commission’s Expert Group on Corporate Bonds issued its final report on improving European corporate bond markets. “Liquid, transparent and accessible corporate bonds markets in Europe would benefit both real economy entreprises and individual investors as a performing alternative to fee-laden packaged retail bond products such as retail bond funds. BETTER FINANCE regrets that

Our organization fully defends that this draft Delegated Act would be the cornerstone to establish the main obligations for insurance manufacturers and insurance distributors regarding the product approval process, the target markets, the product testing, the monitoring and review, and the information obligations between manufacturers and distributors. These innovations are fundamental to ensure improvements in

Retail” financial services are still ranked as the worst consumer markets in the entire European Union according to the European Commission’s Consumer Scoreboard. Therefore, our organization would like to express its support for initiatives such as the draft Delegated Act since it aims to enhance the protection of consumers and retail investors. We also subscribe

ANNEX 1D BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of

BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. ESMA would not disclose the names of the funds it identified as “potential equity closet indexing

Annex 1C BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of

ANNEX 1B BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of