BETTER FINANCE Response to the Joint ESAs Consultation concerning Taxonomy-related sustainability disclosures

The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) - EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA issued a consultation paper setting out the proposed Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) setting out the content and presentation of the ...
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/ Consultations, Sustainabe Finance

NGO recommendations for a sustainable EU retail investment policy

It is very welcome that the Commission prepares both a Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy for July 2021, and an unprecedented, horizontal Retail Investment Strategy for early 2022. This briefing focuses ...
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BETTER FINANCE Input for the Research Project by EFRAG, ICAS & EFFAS on the Production and Consumption of Information on Intangibles: An Empirical Investigation of CFOs and Investors

Intangibles are critical to the business model of many companies, and fundamental for explaining the value creation process particularly as we continue to move towards a knowledge-based economy. Notwithstanding their ...
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Empower the new generations of EU citizens as pension savers to engage corporations into a Sustainable Corporate Governance

BETTER FINANCE strongly supports the goals of the new initiative on Sustainable Corporate Governance launched by the European Commission in order to reconcile economic growth, social progress, corporate governance and ...
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Joint Letter of Investors and Business Organisations on Sustainable Corporate Governance

BETTER FINANCE issued a Joint Letter regarding the European Commission’s initiative on Sustainable Corporate Governance. This communication asserts that leading European associations share a common perspective on the upcoming initiatives ...
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BETTER FINANCE response to the EC Consultation on Sustainable Corporate Governance

BETTER FINANCE considers the aim of the EC Commission to establish a European framework on Sustainable Corporate governance in order to better hold directors accountable to long-term oriented stakeholders praiseworthy ...
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BETTER FINANCE Response to the European Commission Public Consultations on the Review of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)

The European Commission (EC) launched two separate public consultations on the review of the regulatory framework for alternative investment funds (AIFs) and European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs). However, since ELTIFs ...
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European Robo Advice Market fails to take off, despite showing Promise for Individual Investors

BETTER FINANCE publishes the fifth annual edition of its research into Robo Advisors following mystery-shopping covering 13 Europe-based platforms and 4 non-European ones. The Robo Advice sector continues to grow ...
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Robo-advisors are online platforms that use artificial intelligence or algorithms to process information on clients’ investment preferences, risk tolerance and loss-absorption capacity, to determine an investor profile and make a ...
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