EuroFinUse Position on The Reform of the Audit Market

We believe that the current economic damages endured by shareholders of European listed banks with good audit reports challenges the proper functioning of the audit markets in Europe. This would ...
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Assessing the Suitability of Members of the Management Body and Key Function Holders of a Credit Institution

We believe that the appropriate selection of the members of management boards as one of the key principles of corporate governance. This issue has profound implications for shareholders, consumers, and ...
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/ Consultations

PRIPS – Packaged Retail Investment Products

CFA Institute, EuroFinuse,FECIF, EFAMA, and AILO,welcome the focus of the European Commission on investor protection through the publication this week of three pieces of legislation: the Packaged Retail Investment Products ...
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Overview of the Proxy Advisory Industry Considerations on Possible Policy Options

Proxy advisers serve mostly institutional investors on a commercial basis but their activities have not yet been regulated at EU level. Thus, the ESMA is considering the possibility to regulate ...
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Green Paper on Shadow Banking

The European Federation of Financial Services Users (EuroFinuse) supports the Financial Services User Group (FSUG) response to the consultation to this consultation, and part of our response is derived from ...
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/ Consultations

Liikanen Group Consultation on the Banking Union

EuroFinuse firmly believes that the commercial banking activities (i.e. the intermediated funding of the real economy - businesses and households - should be separated as much as possible from all ...
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Gender imbalance in corporate boards in the EU

Self-regulation is not sufficient in our view: the EU has brought about the policy debate on gender diversity in 2010, and called on listed companies in 2011 to voluntary commit ...
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/ Consultations

Draft proposal for Report on Good Practices for Disclosure and Selling of Variable Annuities

We consider that Variable Annuities (VA) products should be classified as PRIPs as should be all other more “traditional” classical and with profit life insurance products. There should be no ...
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/ Consultations