Impact of WTO rules on EU enhanced financial regulation

We call upon the European Commission, as representative of the European Union at the WTO, to support at the upcoming October 2012 Committee on Trade in Financial Services meeting the ...
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/ Public Letters, Uncategorised

EC Consultation on UCITS and long-term investment

The promotion of long-term investments is crucial in many ways: for the well being of EU citizens - representing current or future pensioners who have to rely increasingly on the ...
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Obstà¡culos a la participacià³n de los accionistas – Informe sobre votaciones transfronterizas

El derecho de voto en una asamblea general es un derecho fundamental del accionista. Los accionistas privados deberà­an tener la oportunidad de ejercer su derecho al voto y asumir responsabilidades ...
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/ Research papers

Barriers to Shareholder Engagement – A report on cross-border voting

The right to vote at a general meeting is a fundamental shareholder right. Individual shareholders should have the opportunity to exercise their voting rights and take responsibilities as owners of ...
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/ Research papers


According to the final text, inducements can be freely placed from providers to financial advisers. Certain inducements will not even have to be disclosed to the client anymore, as long ...
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/ Press Releases

Audit Reform

EuroFinuse strongly opposes the weakening of this key reform by the European Parliament’s Draft Report on the proposed Regulation and Directive published on 4 September. Regulatory interventions are crucial to ...
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EuroFinuse Ljubljana Declaration 2012

The General Assembly meetings of EuroFinuse and Euroshareholders held on 21.09.2012 in Ljubljana, together with the “EuroFinuse International Conference on Financial Education”, hosted by VZMD , have agreed to merge ...
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/ Press Releases

Reply to ESMA on its technical advice on possible delegated acts concerning the Prospectus Directive

EuroFinuse welcomes the consultation from ESMA on technical advice on acts concerning the Prospectus Directive. However, this is a very specific consultation concentrating on very legal matters. We would like ...
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/ Consultations

Advice on the Fundamental Review of the Financial Conglomerates Directive

We would like to answer specifically to the following questions raised by ESMA: What should be the parameter of supervision, where a financial conglomerate is supervised on a group wide ...
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/ Consultations