Pension Savings: The Real Return – 2016 Edition

BETTER FINANCE published the 2016 Edition of the "Pension Savings: The Real Return". One can supervise only what one can measure: Why is this pension savings performance report (unfortunately) unique? ...
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Closet Indexing Study – Annex 1.E. – Potential Closet Indexers 165 funds

ANNEX 1E BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up ...
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Pension Savings – The Real Return – 2016 BETTER FINANCE Presentation

Presentation of the worrying findings of the BETTER FINANCE report on the state of pensions in Europe ...
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CMU Citizens’ Barometer – 2016 Presentation

One year into the project, how is the CMU faring for EU citizens as savers? BETTER FINANCE presented its CMU Barometer © in order for citizens to track its progress ...
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Robot Advice – a BETTER FINANCE Research Paper

BETTER FINANCE took a closer look at a sample of new Robot Advice providers, both in the US and in selected EU countries (Belgium, France, Germany, UK). The research concentrated ...
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/ Research papers, FinTech

“Pension Savings: The Real Return” 2015 Edition

Dear Visitor, Please note that this new version of the 2015 BETTER FINANCE Pensions Report corrects a few specific mistakes contained in the previous version. Please discard any previous version ...
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Briefing paper: “An EU Capital Market Union for Growth, Jobs and Citizens”

BETTER FINANCE published its briefing paper on "An EU Capital Market Union for Growth, Jobs and Citizens" ...
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“Pension Savings: The Real Return” 2014 Edition

BETTER FINANCE published the 2014 Edition of the "Pension Savings: The Real Return". One can supervise only what one can measure: Why is this pension savings performance report (unfortunately) unique? ...
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The Real Return of Private Pensions

Recent OECD statistics have cast a dark shadow over the aspirations of private pension savers. Over the last 5 years, real returns from private pension funds after inflation have been ...
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Barriers to Shareholder Engagement – A report on cross-border voting

The right to vote at a general meeting is a fundamental shareholder right. Individual shareholders should have the opportunity to exercise their voting rights and take responsibilities as owners of ...
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/ Research papers