As an association of national member organizations, BETTER FINANCE is supported by a small professional Brussels-based team and our friends on Facebook and LinkedIn. New members and supporters are always welcome to get involved.

BETTER FINANCE was created in 2009 in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis to give consumers of financial services a voice.

BETTER FINANCE’s predecessor, Euroshareholders, was created in 1992 and gathered about 30 individual shareholder organizations in Europe. Euroshareholders joined BETTER FINANCE in 2012.


This constituted a very important landmark towards a fully unified representation of the interests of all financial users at the European level. Thus, BETTER FINANCE is one of the very few organizations working “in the interests of the many, and not the few”.

2 Degrees Investing Initiative*
The 2° Investing Initiative (2DII) is an independent, non-profit think tank working to align financial markets and regulations with the ...
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A.D.A.M. - Association pour la défense des Actionnaires Minoritaires
A.D.A.M. the Association of Minority Shareholders is an association founded in 1991 whose purpose is to defend the collective interests ...
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ADICAE - Asociacion de Usuarios de Bancos Cajas y Seguros
ADICAE is a Spanish consumer organisation specializing in the protection, training, complaint, claim information and the rights of banking and ...
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AEMEC - Asociación Española de Accionistas Minoritarios de Empresas Cotizadas
AEMEC, the Spanish Association of Minority Shareholders of Listed Companies, is a non-profit organization created to defend and protect the ...
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Aktiespararna - Swedish Shareholders Association
Aktiespararna, founded in 1966, is an NGO with some 60.000 individual and paying members. SARF focuses on consumer protection by ...
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ATM - Associacao dos Investidores e Analistas Técnicos do Mercado de Capitais
ATM - the Portuguese Investor Association was founded in 1998 with the main objective of providing training and information to ...
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AURSF - Asociata Utilizatorilor Romani de Servicii Financiare
AURSF is a newly created association aiming at representing the interests of Romanian financial services' users at national and European ...
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BdV - Bund der Versicherten
Bund der Versicherten e.V., the German Association of Insured, aims at safeguarding the interests of the insured as consumer protection ...
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*Associate Member (without voting rights)

How to become a Member

BETTER FINANCE acts as an independent financial expertise and advocacy center to the direct benefit of all European citizens as financial services users.

— Conduct research
— Promote training
— Provide relevant information and better protection for end-users of financial services
— Promote market integrity and transparency for retail investors and non-industry stakeholders
— Establish better governance of financial supervision for all European citizens.

BETTER FINANCE develops research-based advocacy positions on financial issues, with input from its member organisations, to promote the interests of consumers.

Jella Benner-Heinacher is the chief managing director (deputy) of Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz (DSW), the leading shareholder association in Germany. Ms Benner-Heinacher, a German attorney, having studied in France, Switzerland and the U.S., is primarily responsible for international activities as Vice-President of BETTER FINANCE in Brussels. Ms Benner-Heinacher is also chairwoman of the European Corporate Governance Services (ECGS) in London, and a member of the Stock Exchange Board in Düsseldorf.  Furthermore she is responsible for Corporate Governance issues as well as for DSW’s participation in the legislation procedure at both national and international level.

Jean Berthon

Jean Berthon is BETTER FINANCE Vice-President and since January 2009 President of FAIDER (Fédération des Associations Indépendantes des Epargnants pour la Retraite), a French federation which gathers 14 associations in France, and represents more than 1 million investors and life policy holders. He is a financial expert for the European commission serving as Alternate of the Financial Services User Group. He is also expert in several committees and working groups of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the French Financial Markets regulator (AMF) and the French Banking, Insurance and Pensions regulator (ACP). He is currently serving as Officer in the Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Européen, the European organization of actuaries.
He started his career as an actuary at Caisse des dépôts et Consignations in France, and worked in several French Banks, most recently as Chairman and Managing Director of Demachy-Worms & Cie Gestion an important French leader in quantitative and Institutional portfolio management. Mr Berthon founded and is a Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of la Fondation du Risque, a French non-profit Foundation which aims to finance and develop academic and business oriented research in risks. La Fondation du Risque currently manages six chairs endowed by major French banks and insurance companies.

Christian Gülich

Christian Gülich is the Senior EU Policy Officer of the German Association of Insured (BdV) since 2014. He was born in 1957 in Worms (near Frankfurt).

He studied sociology at the University of Bielefeld and Université d’Aix-en-Provence. For research he went to Paris and finished his Ph.D on French Solidarism in 1988. After the German Re-unification he was in Potsdam in 1992/93 for an additional professional training as scientific documentalist.

In 1996 he went to Hamburg starting at BdV as media documentalist, then continiously enlarging his responsibilities (mainly media resonance analysis, advice on private retirement). Having established contacts to Better Finance in 2014, he is responsible for all BdV written and oral comments on draft legal acts or regulations on the European level (mainly for EIOPA and the other ESAs). As EU Policy Officer he represents BdV at EIOPA Occupational Stakeholder Group (OPSG) since 2018, in 2019/2020 he was appointed a member of EIOPA IRSG as well.

Chairman of IVA

Florian Beckermann

Member of ADICAE

María Begoña Fernández Planelles

Board Member at UKSA

Helen Gibbons

President of AURSF

Alin Iacob

President of Helinas

John Kyriakopoulos

Chief Legal Officer of Aktiespararna

Sverre Linton

Board Member of DAF

Niels Mengel

President of VZMD

Kristjan Verbic

Non-Executive Director of ShareSoc

Mark Northway (observing member)


As an association of national member organisations, BETTER FINANCE is supported by a small professional Brussels-based team and our friends on Facebook and LinkedIn. New members and supporters are always welcome to get involved.

Our team consists of finance professionals, lobbyists and communication specialists who carry out the core activities of BETTER FINANCE.

Managing Director,
Aleksandra Mączyńska (email)

Aleksandra Mączyńska is coming from Warsaw, Poland, where she was the Deputy Director of the International Relations and Communication Department of the Polish consumer and competition watchdog.

She studied at the Faculty of Management at the Poznan University of Economics and at the Warsaw School of Economics. She has also a vast experience in management of international projects, e.g. EU funded capacity building projects. As a Fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation Programme for the Young Executives from the Public Sector, she worked at the Division for World Bank International Monetary Fund, Debt Issues and International Finance Structure at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. She was an expert at various EU Council’s Working Parties such as the WP on Financial Services and WP on Competitiveness and Growth, as well as European Commission’s Working Groups and Advisory Committees. One of her task was also external representation and managing professional networks such as Consumer Policy Network (CPN), International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), European Competition Network (ECN) and OECD Competition Committee.

EU expert groups: Member of the Directorate-General for the Environment on the European Commission Eco-labelling Board, Member of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Occupational pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG), Member of the United Nations Civil Society Advisory Body of the Principles for Responsible Banking (UNEPFI).

Executive Director,
Matis Joab (email)

Matis Joab joined BETTER FINANCE at the beginning of 2020 as Finance and Administration Officer, before being promoted to Executive Director in July 2023. Since joining, he has been in charge of finances, administration and member relations, as well as representing BETTER FINANCE at the European Financial Reporting Expert Group and contributing to BETTER FINANCE’s research work in relation to pension savings and investor rights.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Economics and a Master’s degree in Management from Tallinn University of Technology. After working 6 years in the private sector in Estonia, mostly in the commercial real estate sector, he moved to Brussels to become the Financial Director of the European Students’ Forum (AEGEE).

In addition to his knowledge of finance and economics, Matis has a deep interest in geopolitics. He is bilingual in Estonian and English and has a decent grasp of both French and German.

Director of Communications
Arnaud Houdmont (email)

Arnaud Houdmont joined the team at BETTER FINANCE following a varied and multi-facetted career in the world of communication, press relations and research at the heart of Europe. During this time he worked closely with policy makers from the European Commission, the European Parliament and private sector stakeholders on topics such as youth employment, entrepreneurship, health policy, sustainability and innovation. Prior to this he earned a master’s degree in Global Communication from Goldsmith’s College (University of London) and a bachelor’s degree in International relations from Sussex University.

His studies and career have given him a critical and analytical insight in a range of issues, as well as a profound knowledge of the political economy, media and the European institutions. On a personal level Arnaud is fascinated by all aspects relating to sustainable development and political economy.

At BETTER FINANCE, Arnaud is responsible for all communications activities and the continued development of an inclusive communication strategy aimed at reaching all interested parties and stakeholders. He speaks fluent Dutch, English and French and has a very good working level of Spanish.

Project and Advocacy Officer,

Emma Traoret (email)

Emma Traoret is a Projects and Advocacy Officer at BETTER FINANCE. Her role is to support the implementation and development of the organisation’s projects and advocacy initiatives, particularly in Sustainable Finance.

In her previous roles, she worked for EU membership-based organisations in health, education and gender equality policies, and interned at the Council of Europe and the European Economic and Social Committee, focusing on corruption, and economic and social affairs. Emma has volunteered for local organisations in Brussels and for the Red Cross in Portugal, managing and supporting projects for the social inclusion and economic empowerment of vulnerable populations. She has also been a Youth Ambassador for the ONE Campaign, advocating for the EU to have a crucial role in addressing issues like climate change.

Emma studied Economics and International Relations, in France and Ecuador and holds two Masters in Economic Intelligence and Microfinance. She speaks French, English, and Spanish fluently and has some understanding of Portuguese. She holds nationality from France, the United Kingdom and Burkina Faso.

Research & Policy Officer,
Sébastien Commain (email)

Sébastien Commain is Research and Policy Officer at BETTER FINANCE. He specialises in Financial Services Regulation and Capital Markets Research.

Sébastien holds a Masters’ degree in European affairs from Sciences Po Paris and a Ph.D. in political science from the Université du Luxembourg. Before joining BETTER FINANCE, Sébastien worked as an interest representative, a role in which he initially developed a strong taste for financial regulation issues as well as advocacy and policy analysis skills. He then turned to academia, working at the College of Europe for several years, before undertaking a Ph.D. on the influence of financial interest groups in EU and international policy making and the reform of bank capital requirements.

Research & Outreach Officer,
Martin Molko (email)

Martin Molko is Research and Outreach Officer at BETTER FINANCE, where he supports the research team, monitors policy issues and carries out dissemination tasks for our activities. He works on various policy areas, with a focus on Digital Finance (FinTech trends, Data-access, AI), Shareholder Rights, Financial Literacy and Inclusion. Within the BETTER FINANCE team, he is also involved in several topics related to the EU Capital Markets Union (CMU) such as MiFID/R II market structure and listing rules.

Martin obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication from the University of Nice and pursued a specialised Master’s Degree in European Studies at the Free University of Brussels (ULB). He has also participated in summer university programmes related to European multilateralism and economic development. As part of his past professional experience, he has consolidated his communication and reporting skills, including within a European news agency, where he developed a strong interest in finance. He has lived in Belgium, France and Germany, where he gained experience in consulting and held project management and editorial positions in the academic field

Research & Policy Officer,
Mariyan Nikolov (email)

Mariyan Nikolov is a Research & Policy Officer at Better Finance, where he specializes in the areas of Sustainable and Digital Finance, Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance. He is also involved with the coordination of relevant policy developments with member organizations and leads on consultation responses to the EU on broader sustainability dossiers.

In his previous roles – with government representation, EU institutions and the private sector – he led on multiple research projects encompassing sustainable finance initiatives and comparative regulatory developments, carbon pricing and trading, as well as consultations with international financial institutions.

Mariyan has an integrated MSci in International Relations and Global Issues from the University of Nottingham, UK whereby he also completed various study and volunteering projects across China, India and Malaysia in the fields of sustainability. He is a native Bulgarian, Turkish, English speaker and has some understanding of other languages including Russian, French and Dutch.

Senior Advisor,
Guillaume Prache (email)

Guillaume Prache is Senior Advisor of BETTER FINANCE. Following nearly 15 years creating and then developing BETTER FINANCE as Managing Director up to June 2023, he focusses on policy and research in his new role as Senior Advisor. He is also one of the experts representing financial services users at EU-level, notably before the European Commission (lastly as a member of the HLF CMU – High-Level Forum on Capital Markets Union), before the European Securities & Markets Authority as a member and former chair of the ESMA Securities & Markets Stakeholder Group, and before the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority as a member of the EIOPA IRSG – Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group (and formerly as  a member of the EIOPA Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group and of the EBA Banking Stakeholder Group). He is also an expert for the French financial regulator AMF. And he is the President of FAIDER, the largest individual investor organization in France, and a member of BETTER FINANCE.

He started as a magistrate at the French Court of Auditors and has an extended and international experience in financial matters, notably as Chief Financial Officer of US-based Rhône-Poulenc Rorer, Inc., a “Fortune 500” publicly listed pharmaceutical company (today Sanofi) from 1997 to 2000, and then as Managing Director of the European subsidiary of the Vanguard Group, Inc., a global leader in asset management, from 2000 to 2006.

He has taught asset management for the CIWM (Certified International Wealth Manager) program and wrote two books and various articles on economics and finance.

Communications Assistant
Rina Zhubi (email)

Rina Zhubi is a Communications Assistant at BETTER FINANCE, where she pushes forward the organisation’s online communication. As part of the communication team, Rina has a multifaced role, preparing communication materials, sending email campaigns, and managing online channels including the website and social media.

Rina first moved to Brussels to finish her master’s in Media and Journalism in Europe from Vrije Universiteit Brussel from which she graduated Magna Cum Laude. Prior to that, she worked in various communication and marketing roles, during which she launched numerous campaigns, wrote video scripts and articles, prepared visuals, and managed social media. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Management and Economics from the Rochester Institute of Technology.

On a personal level, Rina likes to take on creative projects such as writing poetry or making collages. She holds dual nationality from Kosovo and Croatia.

The BETTER FINANCE Scientific Council consists of highly skilled and experienced independent academics who help us deliver high quality research for financial services users, other stakeholders and policy-makers.

The Scientific Council consists of the following members (alphabetic order):

  • Prof. Barbara Alemanni (Italy)
  • Prof. Niamh Moloney (Ireland)
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Sebo (Slovakia)
  • Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Veil (Germany)
  • Mr. Nicolas Véron (USA/EU)

Chair: Prof. Pierre-Henri Conac (Luxembourg)

The Scientific Council responds to the need for more independent research in financial services to provide a sound and unbiased basis for financial policy recommendations. This is reflected in BETTER FINANCE’s Scientific Council, as many of its members also have extended experience in EU advisory bodies on financial services policy.

BETTER FINANCE Scientific Council members (as of January 2024)

Niamh Moloney is Professor of Financial Markets Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She specialises in financial market regulation and financial consumer protection. Niamh Moloney has published a large number of articles in this area, including a book (How to Protect Investors: Lessons from the EU and the UK, Cambridge University Press) on financial consumer protection. She was a member and then Chair of the Central Bank of Ireland’s Consumer Advisory Group; a member of ESMA’s Stakeholder Group; and a member of the UK FCA’s Consumer Panel. Currently, she is also a member of the board of the Central Bank of Ireland.


Jan Sebo is associate professor and researcher at the Matej Bel University (Faculty of Economics) in Slovakia, with a specialisation in Pension Finance, Pension Economics, Investing and Savings, Public Finance and Regulatory Policy. He leads the research team at the Orange Envelope platform, which provides automated independent personal finance advise and pension tracking services across all pension schemes in Slovakia. He is a former member of the Occupational Pension Stakeholders Group (OPSG) at EIOPA and a present member of the Financial Services User Group (FSUG) at the European Commission.


Pierre-Henri Conac is a Professor of Financial Market Law at the University of Luxembourg where he founded the Master in European Banking and International Financial Law (LL.M.). He is also Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg and recently been appointed Acting Head of the Institute’s two research departments. He authored securities market regulations for the French Commission (COB) and the US SEC. Conac played a key role in shaping EU and national policies on company law, banking, and financial law. Like Rüdiger Veil, he is a former member in the category of Independent top-ranking academic of the Securities and Markets Stakeholders Group (SMSG), which advises the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).


Nicolas Véron is a senior fellow at Bruegel in Brussels and at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, DC. His research is mostly focused on financial systems and financial reform around the world, including global financial regulatory initiatives and current developments in the European Union. Nicolas Véron has authored and co-authored numerous policy papers on matters that include banking supervision and crisis management, financial reporting, the Eurozone policy framework, and economic nationalism. He participated as an expert in committees of the European Parliament, national parliaments in EU member states, and US Congress. In addition, Nicolas Véron is an independent non-executive board member at the Trade Repository arm of DTCC.


Rüdiger Veil holds the Chair for Civil Law and Business Law at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich. His main research areas are European corporate law and capital markets law. Rüdiger Veil has published numerous books, inter alia on “European Capital Markets Law”, and articles in top-ranked journals, particularly from a comparative perspective. Since 2012, he has been a member of an academic working group advising the German Federal Ministry of Finance with regard to EU financial market reforms. In addition, Rüdiger Veil has been a member of the ESMA Securities and Markets Stakeholders Group (SMSG); from 2016-2018, he was Chair of the Group. Rüdiger Veil has acted as an expert for the German, European, Chinese and Russian parliament.


Barbara Alemanni is a Professor of Financial Markets and Institutions in the Department of Economics at the University of Genoa. Additionally, she serves as an Affiliate Professor of Banking and Insurance at SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan. She imparts her knowledge in both Bachelor and Master courses covering Investments, Financial Markets, and Behavioural Finance. Barbara holds an MSc in Finance from City University in London and a BA in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan. Her primary research interests include the micro and macro structure of financial markets, investor protection, behavioural economics, and financial innovation. She has disseminated her research through publications in both domestic and international scholarly journals and academic books.