Reuters: EU power battle risks denting planned safeguards for financial products

BETTER FINANCE was quoted in a recent Reuters article on the ongoing discussion surrounding the European Union's plans to enhance ...
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/ In the news

FT: Europe’s digital investment platforms raise ETF demand

In a Financial Times article on the 24th of April 2023, BETTER FINANCE commented on the rise of self-directed investment ...
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/ In the news

For the first time, an investor representative – and director of FAIDER – joins the Board of the AMF, the French public authority responsible for protecting savers

Today the appointment of Charles-Henri d'Auvigny as a member of the Board of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) was ...
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Board Member and FSUGs chairman, Alin Iacob, interviewed for FISMA’s Newsletter

For its March Newsletter, DG FISMA (the European Commission's Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services, and Capital Markets Union) interviewed ...
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/ In the news

Arnaud Houdmont takes on greater responsibilities as Director of Communications

BETTER FINANCE is pleased to announce that, after nearly 10 years at BETTER FINANCE, Arnaud Houdmont is taking on more ...
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/ In the news, Other
Opening remarks from MEPs Isabel Benjumea & Stéphanie Yon-Courtin at the Global Money Week webinar on Investor Education

Opening remarks from MEPs Isabel Benjumea & Stéphanie Yon-Courtin at the Global Money Week webinar on Investor Education

On 23 March, MEPs Isabel Benjumea and Stéphanie Yon-Courtin addressed the Global Money Week webinar on "Investor Education in times ...
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/ Financial Education, In the news

Epargne retraite France : La gouvernance du COREM (ex CREF) pourrait enfin s’améliorer

Epargne retraite France : La gouvernance du COREM (ex CREF) pourrait enfin s’améliorer … 21 ans après sa création et la ...
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French Financial Markets Authority (AMF): what about the voice of savers?

Faced with the risk of "regulatory capture", six civil society co-signatories representing “small” savers and “minority” investors call on the ...
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/ In the news, Supervision & Redress

BETTER FINANCE reinforces its Research and Policy Team

BETTER FINANCE is very pleased to welcome Sébastien Commain to the BETTER FINANCE Team in Brussels where he has started ...
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/ In the news, Other

Risk of greenwashing as ESMA proposes to relax eco-label requirements

According to the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) recent study on the EU Eco-label awarded to green retail financial ...
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/ In the news, Sustainabe Finance