Date: 21st June 2022

From 15 June to 17 June, BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, and its Member Organisations gathered in Athens for their General Assembly and International Investors’ Conference, co-organised with Helinas, the Hellenic Investors Association.

The meetings in Greece were also the occasion to elect a new Board.

BETTER FINANCE is very pleased to announce that its new Board elected Jella Benner-Heinacher, from the Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz (DSW), Germany's leading association for private investors, as its new President.

Jella Benner-Heinacher is keen to tackle the challenge facing EU citizens as individual investors, stating: "I am honoured that the new BETTER FINANCE board members entrusted me with this important role to ensure that European citizens in their capacity as investors and financial services users are heard in Brussels and have their interests represented in the financial policymaking processes, especially as sustainability and governance issues increasingly take on a central role in the protection of individual investors."

Axel Kleinlein from BdV - the German Association of the Insured (BdV) - and Jean Berthon, President of Gaipare - the French Association for the Improvement of Retirement and Savings - were elected as Vice-Presidents.

Guillaume Prache, Managing Director of BETTER FINANCE, congratulates Ms Benner-Heinacher and “looks forward to a close working cooperation on crucial issues for European citizens as savers and investors, to restore trust and ensure they reclaim their rightful place at the heart of European capital markets.

“I would also like to warmly thank our President of the last three years, Mr Axel Kleinlein, for his dedication to BETTER FINANCE’s cause and the excellent cooperation. A warm thank you also to Jean Berthon who oversaw BETTER FINANCE activities in his role as BETTER FINANCE President from 2013 to 2017.”


Read the full Press Release below.