ANNEX 1E BETTER FINANCE helps investors identify potential falsely active funds (“closet indexers”), and asks regulators to investigate further: It replicated the ESMA study on closet indexing and identified up to 165 equity “UCITS” funds that could potentially be closet indexers. Annex 1.A – List of All Funds (2332 funds) Annex 1.B – List of

Presentation of the worrying findings of the BETTER FINANCE report on the state of pensions in Europe.

One year into the project, how is the CMU faring for EU citizens as savers? BETTER FINANCE presented its CMU Barometer © in order for citizens to track its progress. One year after the launch of the CMU Action Plan, and almost sixty years after the Treaty of Rome, key indicators that track the performance

BETTER FINANCE took a closer look at a sample of new Robot Advice providers, both in the US and in selected EU countries (Belgium, France, Germany, UK). The research concentrated on the products on offer as well as prices.

Dear Visitor, Please note that this new version of the 2015 BETTER FINANCE Pensions Report corrects a few specific mistakes contained in the previous version. Please discard any previous version. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please download the latest updated version here.

BETTER FINANCE published its briefing paper on “An EU Capital Market Union for Growth, Jobs and Citizens”.

BETTER FINANCE published the 2014 Edition of the “Pension Savings: The Real Return”. One can supervise only what one can measure: Why is this pension savings performance report (unfortunately) unique? Download the report in English for free here. Should you like to order a physical copy please contacts us at

Recent OECD statistics have cast a dark shadow over the aspirations of private pension savers. Over the last 5 years, real returns from private pension funds after inflation have been negative in many EU Member States. They have failed to hold their purchasing power, setting a gloomy outlook for tomorrow’s pensioners. However, the OECD research

The right to vote at a general meeting is a fundamental shareholder right. Individual shareholders should have the opportunity to exercise their voting rights and take responsibilities as owners of listed companies also across borders. Despite the adoption of the Shareholder Rights Directive and the best practice standards developed and endorsed by the industry, there

El derecho de voto en una asamblea general es un derecho fundamental del accionista. Los accionistas privados deberà­an tener la oportunidad de ejercer su derecho al voto y asumir responsabilidades como propietarios de empresas que cotizan también mà¡s allà¡ de las fronteras. A pesar de la adopcià³n de la Directiva sobre Derechos de los Accionistas