BLO - Lebanese Investors Association (Boulos Law Office at Beirut Bar Association)*
Founded in 1980 by Mr. Hachem Boulos, BLO - the Boulos Law Office - has became one of the most well-respected ...
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CGPC - Association française des Conseils en Gestion de Patrimoine Certifiés*
CGPC is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect the end consumer (in social protection, retirement, savings and investment) ...
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DAF - Dansk Aktionærforening
The Danish Shareholders Association is striving to promote shareholding among private investors and to become an active policy-maker and lobbyist ...
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DSW - Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz
DSW is Germany’s oldest and largest association for private investors. Founded in 1947, DSW has a longstanding tradition in representing ...
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EFES - European Federation of Employee Share Ownership*
The European Federation of Employee Share Ownership acts as the umbrella organisation of employee shareholders and all companies, persons, trade ...
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FAIDER - Fédération des Associations Indépendantes de Défense des Epargnants pour la Retraite
FAIDER is the French federation of investor and life insurance policyholder associations. It is a Federation of 15 associations counting ...
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FiInE - Financial Inclusion Europe*
Financial Inclusion Europe (FiInE) is a network of experts and academics committed to address financial exclusion by engaging in a ...
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Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion (Pörssisäätiö)*
The Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion is a neutral foundation that finances its operations with the rental income of the ...
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*Associate Member (without voting rights)

How to become a Member

BETTER FINANCE acts as an independent financial expertise and advocacy center to the direct benefit of all European citizens as financial services users.

— Conduct research
— Promote training
— Provide relevant information and better protection for end-users of financial services
— Promote market integrity and transparency for retail investors and non-industry stakeholders
— Establish better governance of financial supervision for all European citizens.

BETTER FINANCE develops research-based advocacy positions on financial issues, with input from its member organisations, to promote the interests of consumers.