EuroFinUse Position Paper on the International Financial Reporting Standards

EuroFinUse considers the establishment of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) a milestone in the promotion of harmonised accounting standards not only in Europe but also, ideally, for the United ...
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/ Position Papers

EuroFinUse’s Position on the asset managers bonus cap

Read EuroFinUse's position on the investment fund rules UCITS bonuses for fund managers to be capped among wider investor protection in new draft EU rules ...
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/ Position Papers

EuroFinUse Position Paper on the Cyprus bailout

EuroFinUse praises the Eurogroup statement from late Monday in favor of fully guaranteeing deposits below EUR 100,000. Moreover, we believe bank depositors should not pay for the excesses of the ...
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/ Position Papers

EuroFinUse Position Paper on the Financial Transaction Tax

EuroFinUse supports the main objective of the European Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), “to ensure that financial institutions make a fair and substantial contribution to covering the costs of the recent ...
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/ Position Papers

EuroFinUse Position Paper on Audit Reform and the proposed EU reforms

EuroFinUse believes there are a number of worrying features of the audit market. At a very fundamental level, we are concerned about auditor independence and professional scepticism. Potential conflicts of ...
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EuroFinUse Position Paper on Insurance Mediation

EuroFinuse in conjunction with the members of the Financial Services User Group (FSUG) wish to express their disappointment regarding the draft ECON report on the proposal for a Insurance Mediation ...
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/ Position Papers

EuroFinUse Position Paper on the proposals in MiFID II on capital market structures

EuroFinUse presented its position on the proposals in MiFID II on capital market structures. MiFID II proposal from the EC does not in EuroFinUse's view fix this major market fragmentation ...
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EuroFinuse Presentation on “What can the Audit Committee do better?”

EuroFinUse participated on the FEE Roundtable on the functioning of audit committees and Jella Benner-Heinacher presented shareholders's perspectives. The board acts as the agent of all shareholders and the quality ...
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/ Position Papers

EuroFinUse Position Paper on the Reform of EU banking structures

On an EPFSF event in January 2013, Guillaume Prache, EuroFinUse's Managing Director, called for a real separation of commercial banking from market and investment banking; stressed that the financial crisis ...
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EuroFinuse Position Paper on performance fees (UCITS V)

EuroFinuse, the European Federation of Financial Services Users, is closely following the debate on the “UCITS V Directive” that is currently focusing on depositories’ liabilities and asset managers’ remuneration. These ...
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/ Position Papers