EuroFinUse Response to the ESFS Review

The new European System of Financial Supervision set up following the financial crisis, that began in 2008, is certainly a great improvement from the previous coordination of national supervisors through ...
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/ Consultations

EuroFinUse’s Response to the Consultation by DG SANCO on Consumer protection in third-pillar retirement products

EuroFinUse welcomed this important Consultation from the European Commission as private pensions are one of the most problematic areas for EU consumers and individual investors. EuroFinUse is pleased that the ...
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EuroFinUse Response to the EC Consultation on Reforming the Banking Structure

The European Federation of Financial Services Users welcomes the opportunity that the European Commission is giving to stakeholders to provide additional input through this public consultation before making its proposal ...
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/ Consultations

EuroFinUse Response to the Green Paper on Long-Term Financing of the European Economy

EuroFinUse welcomed this Consultation on Long-Term Financing of the European Economy and we praised the European Commission for focusing on this fundamental economic objective. The promotion of long term investments ...
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/ Consultations

EuroFinUse Position Paper on the EC Action Plan on Company Law and Corporate Governance

We believe that the initiated consultation with a wide range of stakeholders by the Commission with regards to this Action Plan is a major step in this process. In our ...
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/ Consultations

EuroFinUse Response to the EC long- term investment questionnaire

EuroFinUse welcomes this Questionnaire on Long-Term Investment Funds, which deals with crucial questions that unfortunately were generally not considered before. At the same time, we are expecting the publication of ...
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/ Consultations

EuroFinuse Response to the joint ESMA – EBA Consultation on Principles for Benchmarks-Setting Processes in the EU

EuroFinuse welcomes this joint EBA - ESMA consultation. Please read here our response ...
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/ Consultations

Response by EuroFinUSe to the AMF Consultation on the prevention of creeping takeovers and the promotion of mid and long term shareholder engagement

EuroFinUse directs the attention of the French public authorities to the serious defects of regulatory governance and financial supervision in France. EuroFinUse opposes to takeovers when small shareholders are deprived ...
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/ Consultations

EuroFinUse Response to the Third Pillar Retirement Products Questionaire

EuroFinuse is extremely concerned by the urgently needed development of second and third pillar pension products in the European Union, in view of the current restraints for welfare policies due ...
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Consultation on the Regulation of Indices

EuroFinuse welcomes the consultation from the EC on the regulation of indices. Individual financial services users are indeed using indices a lot either willingly or unwillingly: As investors and savers ...
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/ Consultations