FTT: The European proposal does not meet its objective – EU citizens are likely to pay instead of banks

EuroFinuse supports the main objective of the European Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), “to ensure that financial institutions make a fair and substantial contribution to covering the costs of the recent ...
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/ Press Releases

New measures to ensure MiFID II capital market structures

In view of the most recent European Council Presidency progress report, EuroFinUse - the European Federation of Financial Services Users -identified room for improvement before the final MiFID II text ...
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European individual investors support the proposals of the European Parliament Rapporteur on Packaged Retail Investment Products

MEP Pervenche Beres, ECON Committee rapporteur for the PRIPs Regulation has just released her report and amendment proposals for this Regulation proposed by the Commission. The amendments match the main ...
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/ Press Releases


According to the final text, inducements can be freely placed from providers to financial advisers. Certain inducements will not even have to be disclosed to the client anymore, as long ...
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/ Press Releases

Audit Reform

EuroFinuse strongly opposes the weakening of this key reform by the European Parliament’s Draft Report on the proposed Regulation and Directive published on 4 September. Regulatory interventions are crucial to ...
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EuroFinuse Ljubljana Declaration 2012

The General Assembly meetings of EuroFinuse and Euroshareholders held on 21.09.2012 in Ljubljana, together with the “EuroFinuse International Conference on Financial Education”, hosted by VZMD , have agreed to merge ...
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/ Press Releases

PRIPS – Packaged Retail Investment Products

CFA Institute, EuroFinuse,FECIF, EFAMA, and AILO,welcome the focus of the European Commission on investor protection through the publication this week of three pieces of legislation: the Packaged Retail Investment Products ...
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MiFID Review – The European equity markets fragmentation has penalized small investors

The European MiFID Directive in force since November 2007 has pushed the European equity markets to fragment into multiple “trading platforms”: besides the existing “regulated markets” (RMs) “multiple trading Facilities” ...
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La premiere alliance europeenne de tous les epargnants

Pour la première fois, toutes les catégories d’épargnants (actionnaires individuels, souscripteurs de fonds de placement (OPCVM), assurés vie, épargnants bancaires, participants des fonds de pension et autres utilisateurs de services ...
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First European Alliance for all individual investors

For the first time, all types of individual investors such as shareholders, fund investors, insurance policy holders, bank savers, pension funds participants and other financial services users have teamed together ...
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