BETTER FINANCE is happy to announce that The European Banking Authority’s Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG) selected one of its previous vice-chairs, Alin Iacob, to join the BSG again.
Alin Iacob is the Chairman of the Association of Romanian Financial Services Users (AURSF). AURSF has been a member of BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, since 2014 and Alin Iacob joined its Board in 2016. After serving two mandates as a member of the EBA Banking Stakeholder Group from 2013 to 2018, including as Vice Chair for his second mandate, Alin Iacob will again join the EBA BSG representing the interests of financial services users for a third mandate.
BETTER FINANCE is also pleased to announce that, following a call for the renewal of its Corporate Finance Standing Committee (CFSC) Consultative Working Group (CWG), the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) decided to select Jella Benner-Heinacher from DSW, Germany's leading association for private investors and BETTER FINANCE Member, as well as José F. Estévez from one of BETTER FINANCE’s Spanish member organisations, AEMEC, the Spanish Association of Minority Shareholders.