Towards a coherent approach to Collective Redress

We welcome the opportunity to comment on Collective Redress. We regret though that the European Commission despite its long term awareness of the existing problems facing investors and all other ...
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/ Consultations

Consultation on the taxation problems that arise when dividends are distributed across borders to portfolio and individual investors and possible solutions

EuroFinuse (formerly EuroInvestors) believes that double taxation of dividends represents an increasingly important impediment to the accomplishment of the Single Market and therefore welcomes this consultation on possible solutions for ...
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Level 2 implementing measures on the pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II)

As its very name indicates, Solvency II has been primarily designed to prevent insurance companies bankruptcies, and not to protect policy holders. These are two different and sometimes conflicting objectives ...
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/ Consultations

Technical details of a possible European crisis management framework

This consultation from the European Commission is part of the European Authorities efforts to prevent any future financial crisis of the magnitude of the 2008 one. Most questions are not ...
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/ Consultations

DAF Technical details of a possible EU Framework for Bank Recovery and Resolution

Technical details of a possible EU Framework for Bank Recovery and Resolution Danish Shareholders Association is the organisation representing private investors in Denmark, and finds the proposal on bank recovery ...
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/ Consultations

Consultation on the Review of the Insurance Mediation Directive (IMD)

We support the objectives of the consultation launched by the European Commission on the review of the Insurance Mediation Directive. It is essential to increase the level of policy holder ...
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/ Consultations

Review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MIFID)

Overall, MiFID has contributed to the further marginalization of individual investors, despite the fundamental economic purpose of the capital markets (as opposed to intermediate finance) that is to connect directly ...
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Legislative steps for the Packaged Retail Investment Products initiative

We strongly support the “horizontal” approach taken by the European Commission for its Packaged Retail Investment Products (PRIPs) initiative, which is the right way to harmonize selling practices of retail ...
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Legal Certainty of Securities Holdings and Disposition

The legal information flows regarding securities holdings and disposition should be simplified, made fully available to real (economic) shareholders and issuers via the Internet, to no extra cost for retail ...
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Green paper towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems

We fully agree with the Commission that an “adequate” and sustainable retirement income for EU citizens is a priority for the European Union, but proves a major challenge to achieve ...
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