ESG considerations
This product takes into account ESG factors when selecting the companies from which it invests in transferable securities issued by.
Warning! This product does not have a guarantee, nor inflation protection. A low level of risk does not mean no risk at all. Investments are subject to market fluctuations and financial loss and you may lose all your money.
*MAG = magnitude; PROB = probability.
The tax law applicable in your Member State may have an impact on your actual pay-out.
You bear only the risks of loss related to unprotected or not guaranteed investments in capital markets. If the PEPP provider is not able to pay out your earned capital gains, for instance due to fraud or breaches of the law, you are protected by an investor compensation scheme, covering up to 90% of the product’s investments, subject to certain conditions. For more info, see
This table shows you the reduction-in-wealth (RiW) which measures how much your accumulated capital (contributions + investment returns) will be reduced by the fees we will have had charged by tme time you retire. The graph presents your accumulated capital in gross terms (before fees), net terms (after fees) and real net terms (after fees and inflation are taken into account).
The second line in each category shows what you would get per month as pension payment from this PEPP, if you should choose so. It uses a longevity assumption of 25 years and that you would withdraw equally each month.
The charges and fees paid are used to cover the costs of running the Fund, including the costs of marketing and distributing it. These charges reduce the potential growth of your investment.
You can use this PEPP in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, France and Italy.