Date: 12th April 2020

POLITICO reports that on 10 April EU finance ministers approved the "terms of reference" in which they pledge "to raise the subjects of carbon and energy taxes" in the various international meetings that will take place over the course of next week with the aim of building a coordinated response to the corona crisis. Rather than sidelining the issue of green finance in these difficult times, EU representatives will put the need for a “strategic long-term vision for a climate-neutral economy” on the table of the planned G20, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings.

BETTER FINANCE is pleased to note that the document calls for discussions to "include the mobilization of sustainable finance while striving for consistency across jurisdictions” and the need to "tackle, through multilateral rules-based solutions, any distortions that may have contributed to [tensions weighing on global growth prospects] and to level the playing field for trade and investment".

Read the full article on Politico.