BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, is the public interest non-governmental organisation advocating and defending the interests of European citizens as financial services users at European level to lawmakers and the public in order to promote research, information and training on investments, savings and personal finances. It is the one and only European-level organisation solely dedicated to the representation of individual investors, savers and other financial services users.
BETTER FINANCE was founded on the belief that the financial system exists to serve the real economy. For this reason it focuses on restoring confidence in financial markets and promoting an open, transparent, efficient and sustainable real economy served by financial institutions that have the public interest in mind.
BETTER FINANCE acts as an independent financial expertise and advocacy centre to the direct benefit of European financial services users. Since the BETTER FINANCE constituency includes individual and small shareholders, fund and retail investors, savers, pension fund participants, life insurance policyholders, borrowers, and other stakeholders who are independent of the financial industry, it has the best interests of all European citizens at heart.
BETTER FINANCE engages in campaigns to provide relevant information and better protection for end-users, promote market integrity and transparency for retail investors and non-industry stakeholders and establish better governance of financial supervision for all European citizens.
In 2009, for the first time, all types of financial services users such as individual shareholders, fund investors, insurance policyholders, bank savers, pension funds participants, borrowers and others, joined forces to create BETTER FINANCE. Today BETTER FINANCE counts nearly 40, independent, national and international member and sub-member organisations, mainly from EU Member States but also other countries such as Iceland, Norway, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon and Cameroon.
BETTER FINANCE is an ‘Association Sans But Lucratif’ registered in Belgium and is independently funded through membership fees, grants and donations. BETTER FINANCE activities are partly funded by the European Commission. There is no implied endorsement by the EU or the European Commission of work carried out by BETTER FINANCE, which remains the sole responsibility of BETTER FINANCE.
BETTER FINANCE ASBL is registered in the EU Joint Transparency Register under registration n° 24633926420-79.