Date: 5th October 2016

Alongside  the  traditional  players  of  the  finance  world,  there  are  now  purely online  services.  Robot  Advice  has  emerged  in  the  United  Sates  a  few  years  ago,  and  more
recently in Europe.

Robot  Advisers  are  mostly  only  internet - based  and  use  computer  programs  and algorithms  that  process  the  input  provided  by  the  consumer  regarding  its  financial  needs and   risk   profile   in  order   to   direct   customers   to   the   appropriate   investments.   These automated   investment   advice   services   have   the   advantage   of   being   considerably   less expensive  than  their  traditional counterparts  and  constitute  an  interesting  alternative  for those investors who do not require complex and custom-made solutions.

Today  Better  Finance,  the  European  Federation  of  Investors  and  Financial  Services  Users, published the  findings  of  its  research  on  Robot  Investment  Advice analysing and  comparing the main US - based platforms with a selection of the newer European ones.

Please read the press release here.